Not even a contest
The biggest illusion or delusion out there in the community is that looks aren't a factor and it's all about having "game". The fuck?
On a pure cold-approach I'd say it's 95% about looks and 5% personality/game/etc.
The reason this is practiced and preached in the community is because a majority of people who sign up for the bootcamps are ugly, fat, etc and it gives them a
sense of hope (which is all they really need). Sure, looks dont matter as much if you meet the girl through social circle or from some common hobby you have but this is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard
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I agree with this.
looks attract women powerfully, but if you don't have them, you can attract in other ways - confidence, humor, personality, or material ways like money and fame.
so it's accurate to say "lack of looks can be definitely compensated for".
community gurus say: "looks have no effect at all", this is obviously totally incorrect, and like lefty said, they say it so to make their students feel good and so to legitimize their good looking instructors (or themselves).
yes mate, i met (shagged) 99% of girls in my life cold approaching. i would post a pic so you can see that there's nothing special about my looks at all.
at some point people start to feel its not worth their effort, that's why ugly people don't get laid, not because it's not possible.
if someone willing to push hard to compensate for his looks (by style, personality, persistence, even money and status) - he will shag.
you know what - fuck the personality bullshit. $$$$$$$$ works right? the bling. you're ugly - focus on getting rich. you'll get the HOTTEST girls in the world, i PROMISE you that. you'll spend a buck, but you'll have more than a buck to spare so you wouldn't give a shit.
Heres what i think
Looks matter
But for some reason its only in this scenerio
When there are a group of girls together, they will even say "hes ugly or hes hot" because they have the confidence of the group.
When there by themselves they dont matter so much
They are more drawn to your body language, when they are by themselves because alot of them dont have much internal confidence that means that there probably low and not feeling great they view you as more attractive.
When you see a girl and it looks like looks REALLY matter to her when she looks at herself, then yea she will be more picky.At the end of the day, learned body language, high status and strong tone of voice gets the pussy wet 99% of the time.
The hardest thing i have ever had to do is get over the fact that im average looking.
I remember when this girl smashed my self esteem a few years ago when i was struggling with confidence, a girl said im hot her friend said "uhh hes so ugly, please tell me your joking, disgusting, urrrh"
I felt like crap lol.
Then a few months later i was flirting with this chick in a different place and i could see that very same girl checking me out, she then looked away and bit her lips.
What the fuck is that? thats what i said too myself
I had to get over my looks, i did in the end with some ego excerisises.
Cold approach 1 on 1 is mostly body language
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Interesting point...
If you're out in a big city like LA, Vegas, Manhattan, Miami, etc and there are a group of hot girls hanging around. Looks matter WAY more in that situation than if she is alone or with some other group- definitely makes sense
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there's a difference between being a pretty boy and being sexually attractive.
like those girls you just see them and you get a boner, you want to stick your tongue so far up their pussy it will come out of their ears. and in fact they're not BEAUTIFUL at all.
same with guys.
if you radiate sexuality you're in the best position, more than the pretty boy that conveys that he's a fag.
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I disagree
It's good to be around good-looking guys (no homo) when trying to get girls
Absolutely. I think looks can help you, but you dont really NEED them. Im not here to brag or anything, because I just think thats fucking redicilous (especially with some nickname on a forum) but Ive had some pretty fucking good "success" AKA banging alot of hot girls in the "community" just by being confident, having humour and do something to stand out. Im not especially good looking, like average:
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But then again, I havent really worked "high value venues" like fucking LA topclubs and shit, just some crappy shit in Sweden.
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Yea, you're a pretty ugly dude....
j/k but yea each place is different, I've noticed that "buff" guys have more value in a dive bar place (I hate dive bars) where as its different at rooftop bars and others places in big cities
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Naw dude you got it made. You don't look too bad(no homo) and you're tall(i think). That's all you need. Only thing wrong is your sense of style is all over the fucking place. Don't look like you really know what you're doing there.
The way I look at it:
Looks matter. But shit..
Don't sweat it too much. Change what you can(workout, haircut, clothes, ect.), and look as best as you can. Just play up anything you really can. Then accept yourself. You're gonna look how you look so quit your bitching and just be happy. It's not about getting super hot girls for the sake of getting hot girls(at least to me) and hoping every single fucking person thinks you look amazing. It's about meeting girls you like and who like you. Having a good time and all that gay shit.
How much looks "matter" doesn't make a difference to think about. There's no point in dwelling on it, being depressed about it, or even caring about it. If you're already doing your best to look your best, that's all you have control of.
Like that one dude said, that girl thought he was "hot." Her friend thought he was "ugly." Unless you're a stallion male model, you're NOT gonna be universally attractive to everyone. Are there some girls you think are "meh," but some guys think are fucking fine? Yea. That's why we all have "types." Not everybody looks hot to everybody. So if someone says they don't like how you look, who the fuck cares? There are chicks who dig you. Find them and have a good time with them. That's what going out is about.
Anyway, hoping, crying, and wishing you looked like Orlando Bloom is a useless pursuit.
Lose weight, bulk up, cut your hair, groom yourself, strive for personal success in whatever your field is, have fun, and make sure your breathe don't stink. blah blah blah
fuck you
tl;dr version= who. fucking. cares.
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I won't make any judgments until I see his cock.
I heard it's like a baby arm holding an apple and he knows exactly how to use it. That's just a local myth here though.
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Holy fucken shit are you kidding me?!
That guy has never even kissed a girl let alone get a girl to touch his dick unless he paid $1,000 in straight up cash....biggest jokester in this world
Do you actually believe ANYTHING that retard says??
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Actually sean stephensons body is seriously disabled, dude cannot even walk, so it's stupid to just say he is not good looking or ugly.
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Im not saying i believe what he says but his techniques are somewhat understandable. He may have got laid without paying, but the whole he gets laid like a rockstar thing is bullshit.
I mean in a club, people dont take much serious, so hes probably had a kiss here and there.
he does have some great things to say about life
For example i just found his twitter page and i agree with what he says about life.
"Wanna see a person's true colors? Give them a ton of power."
"Feeling tired, sick, in pain, hungry, or afraid can not be used as excuses for being mean to others."
Man hes probably a cash cow for the seduction community.
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He is there to make people feel sorry for him and yes he is a cash cow...he uses NLP in his speeches....fuck him!!